As you probably know, eating healthy is super duper important to this dirty hippie. We go to great lengths to ensure we eat whole, quality foods. No HFCS, no GMO's, no processed foods, everything organic. And, if we have the option, then Fair Trade is equally important to us. Sounds like a handful right? Well, not so much if you shop at a health food store. Problem is, we live in a very rural area. Don't get me wrong, we LOVE it out here, but things can be a bit of a challenge to obtain. So, we drive an hour to grocery shop at The Cupboard Natural Foods, but to minimize our impact on the planet, we decided we would only go once a month.
Only one slight problem... That never happened. We have been going every two weeks for the past several months. This week I decided to change that. You can too!
First i started off with a menu plan from The Money Saving Mom. I absolutely LOVE this blog! This mama rocks! I picked her 4 week plan, sat down, and spent an hour planning our our whole months worth of meals. I also referenced her own menu plans when i was drawing a blank, worked GREAT! Don't forget to reference your own schedule to accomodate for days you will be busy. To keep you on track with your plan, make sure you put a few easy meals back in the freezer, so when you just *don't want to* you don't have to:)
Then, I took my menu plan, which I was uber proud of, and made a shopping list from it. 'Twas a doozy! Added a few condiments we were low on, juices, extra snacks, and VOILA! doneski!
Tomorrow we will test it out! I will let ya know how it goes!
How do you plan for your meals?
About Me
- The Dirty Hippie
- I love love love to craft, what can i say:) Im a simple girl, with dreams of living a simpler life. My adventures have helped me get away from the disposable lifestyle, and I hope they can help you too! This blog will feature many of my items, and lots of tutorials on how to do things that are handmade, adorable, and earth friendly :) I am uber passionate about being earth friendly in everything I do, and everything i subject my family to. I am also an intacta-lactavist, and oh so everything natural-ist :D I am the " dirty hippie" of my family, and proud to have a voice for those who aren't heard.
Thanks for the tip! Our eating habits sound about the same and I'm always looking for new ways to use up our co-op produce and that blog looks great! :)