About Me

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I love love love to craft, what can i say:) Im a simple girl, with dreams of living a simpler life. My adventures have helped me get away from the disposable lifestyle, and I hope they can help you too! This blog will feature many of my items, and lots of tutorials on how to do things that are handmade, adorable, and earth friendly :) I am uber passionate about being earth friendly in everything I do, and everything i subject my family to. I am also an intacta-lactavist, and oh so everything natural-ist :D I am the " dirty hippie" of my family, and proud to have a voice for those who aren't heard.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Define: Dirty Hippie.

I'm a simple girl really.

 or at least i try to be. simplicity is my everyday quest, something I'm always trying to find ways to work towards. I'm always looking for ways to chip off the modern amenities that fill our lives with sound, and find a quiet happy spot. you know the place, where everyone is happy, and wants for nothing. you feel loved, and content. Accomplished,yet simple.
my family, by any means, are no where near this place. we know where it is. we are just lost trying to get there. so here we are, learning the skills we will one day need. enjoying putting those into play, and living our everyday lives :D

I frequently refer to myself as a hippie, and am slowly converting my circle of friends into fellow hippies. i feel very strongly about natural healing, heirloom quality foods, lowercase letters, forgotten crafts, unassisted, or at least intervention free pregnancies and births, breast feeding, car seat safety, and making everything from scratch. i am also notoriously stubborn, and am often told i could argue with a fencepost. i have a fiery temper, but i blame that on the red hair and irish heritage.
I love who i am, and where i am in life.

 Who are you? How do you describe yourself? What defines you?

1 comment:

  1. I'm very uptight except when I smoke. Hippie is my name dawgggg. I bake everything from scratch, eat veggies, fruit, and a bit of nuts. My bf is completely in love with me and in 7 yrs we will marry. I love growing herbs and I want to have my own goats so that fresh milk and cheese is always aailable.
