About Me

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I love love love to craft, what can i say:) Im a simple girl, with dreams of living a simpler life. My adventures have helped me get away from the disposable lifestyle, and I hope they can help you too! This blog will feature many of my items, and lots of tutorials on how to do things that are handmade, adorable, and earth friendly :) I am uber passionate about being earth friendly in everything I do, and everything i subject my family to. I am also an intacta-lactavist, and oh so everything natural-ist :D I am the " dirty hippie" of my family, and proud to have a voice for those who aren't heard.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Introductions are for....

formalists... if that is even a word :D  However, we will do one, just for giggles. 
I am the crunchy mama of my household, and work from home, keeping my online store in check :) The man of the family has the "Real Job" and is just as into the funky earth friendly stuff as i am :) I officially detest all capital letters,(even though they randomly appear as i type),  am passionate about Heirloom gardening, and fully dedicated to the handmade pledge. i believe sustainability is super duper important, and my family strives to attain our goal of being fully self sustaining.  it is a journey, one we are finding quite fun, and i hope to share it here along the way :)
With this blog i hope to show you random fun projects that are easily handmade by you, be a voice for those unheard, and point out the flaws our convenient lifestyles have. I want to point out easier, better alternatives, disprove the myths that hold us back, & of course, have oodles and oodles of fun :D

so.. will you join me?

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